The Cheese Shop of Salem

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Eat, Drink, and Be Married

A lot of my friends are getting married in the next year or so. A. LOT. Thus, I’ve been thinking about gifts to mark the occasion - something that says, “Congratulations you found love, you lucky dog!” Yes, there are registries, but these are some of my very best friends, so I want to go off book, get creative, and most of all, give them something they don’t have to find a place for in their homes. This might be a risky move, but they’re gonna love it, I promise.

Obviously, I want to give them cheese. OBVIOUSLY. They can enjoy it right away while opening all their other presents, or while they relax post-wedding when everyone is gone and they can finally just chill without thinking about DJs or chair colors  or whether to invite their aunt’s friend Gary. So, here are two of my favorite cheeses as wedding presents:

First, Brillat Savarin! Brillat is a great celebration cheese because it’s a beautiful wheel and it’s incredibly luxurious. This triple cream cow’s milk cheese is named for the famed food philosopher, Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. It has a fluffy, delicate rind that is white as a wedding dress. It is plush and super creamy, salty, a touch lactic, and altogether dreamy. Slather it on little toasts or any crunchy cracker. 

Now. A wheel of Brillat is tasty and attractive and classy, but for the truly celebratory, over-the-top, become-the-favorite-guest gift, go with a bucket (read: Party Pail) of Aussie Magic. While five pounds of cheese might sound like an aggressive amount for two people, this soft goat and sheep’s milk is so divine that I promise, it will get eaten. They can use it in steak sandwiches, stir it into pasta, share it with friends and blow their minds, or, heck, just eat it with a fork! It is the best selling cheese in our shop, and I am CONFIDENT they will get through every cube.

So skip the ice cream maker, the champagne flutes, the iced tea spoons, and go straight for the cheese. The newlyweds will love it because everybody loves a cheese gift.

For the love of cheese and weddings,


P.S. Check out the National Museum of Kenya. I was going to choose one story or gallery, but it’s too fun to virtually wander around from this exhibit to that. 

Shop Wedding Cheese