The Cheese Shop of Salem

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To our wonderful customers...

Hi friends! I want to write about something you find fun and soothing and transporting…But what is that? Should I talk about travel or celebrities or gardening or sports or tequila or fancy watches? We all have our things, what’s yours? If I’m thinking about our staff, we have a lot of “things”; we are rather particular, which I’m sure doesn’t surprise you. My dad likes colorful crocs (maybe you’ve caught a glimpse when he walks around the counter). Chris likes fizzy cola Haribo gummies. Molly loves a good ol’ box of Annie’s mac and cheese. Susan is partial to Bay Blue cheese in her salad. Jimmy is up for anything Crossfit and anything fried. Brie wants a full lime in her gin and tonic, please (once you try it, you’ll never go back). Christine cannot make a pizza without Raschera (Whole Foods crust or bust). I can’t go a week without buying some kind of tinned fish. 

But I do think the thing we can all agree on is that wine, cheese, beer, chocolate, pasta and other shop essentials do make us at a smidgen cheerier in this insane, twilight zone we’re experiencing right now. So give us a call and we’ll be happy, NAY delighted!, to help you choose some cheese and other goodie goodies. Or if you just want a quick chat about food and drink and cooking, we can do that too! Just to warn you, if you get me on the phone, I’ll probably go on and on and ON about our chocolate collection or about the spice mix I can’t get enough of right now (which is all of them). We’re here for you! And we appreciate you! So much.

For the love of cheese and YOU, 


P.S. Can’t make a trip to the shop? We have options!

1) Check us out on Mercato, our delivery service.

2) Don’t see what you’re looking for on Mercato? Call us at (978) 498-4820 and we’ll arrange a local delivery service for you.

3) We also ship if you’re in other places in the country!

4) Curbside delivery! You call us, place an order over the phone, and we’ll run your groceries and wine out to your car when you arrive in front of the shop!