And the award goes to ...

Our culture experts (I’m talking about pop culture for once, not cheese cultures) Susan and Molly tell me the Oscars are this Sunday, so I thought I should award some honors on our own stars (now I’m talking about the cheese). If you happen to eat these cheeses as you watch that would not be a bad choice…

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Unlike the show itself, I want to start with the most important award first, but like the show, this is probably completely predictable: Best Actor in a Leading Role is duh duh duh duhhh (that’s a triumphant trumpet noise) Aussie Magic! As our best performer, the Aussie we cherish must be the winner here. If you’re reading this newsletter, you’ve probably tried it already, but just in case you haven’t, Aussie Magic is a sheep and goat’s milk cheese from Australia marinating in oil with thyme, peppercorns and a touch of garlic. It is creamy, tangy, salty and rich, and when the cheese is gone, you’re still left with a delicious cheesy oil that is crying out for a piece of bread. Our customers have clearly voted in favor of this irresistible Aussie Magic because our little cheese shop is the top seller of Aussie Magic on the entire East Coast! Clearly, Aussie deserves the golden statue. 

The next award, Best Original Screenplay, goes to Oh My Heart! Oh My Heart is a cute little cow’s milk cheese from Lazy Lady Farm in Westfield, VT and it has my current favorite story behind it. Yes, this favorite could change tomorrow, but today is a gift that’s why it’s called the present. I read that written in some wet concrete one time. Anywhooo, back to the story. Laini Fondiller started making cheese on Lazy Lady Farm in 1987 when the artisanal cheese industry was a wee babe. I mean, this industry couldn’t even walk yet at the time. Since Laini was new to cheesemaking and there was very little accessible information about how to start a creamery, she and her partner Barry just started experimenting. With huge amounts of labor, love for her herd of goats, and pure grit, Lazy Lady Farm flourished. Today, Laini produces over 20 types of goat’s milk and cow’s milk cheeses and is completely off the grid, depending only on solar and wind power. This story, ahem, I mean screenplay, has it all – the ups and downs of farm life, a tenacious heroine, and a happy ending with a wheel of Oh My Heart. On behalf of Oh My Heart, we thank the Academy. 

Finally, the last award for the Choscars (just thought of that name right now. It’s clever, no?) is Best Visual Effects! Like in movies, some cheese are more eye catching than others. It can be because of some creative twist by the cheesemaker, or the rich color of the paste, or an especially perfect rind. Sofia by Capriole Goat Cheese has it all! It is an unusual shape as a small, thin rectangle, and the rind is snowy white and with fine wrinkles where the black ash peeks through. The inside is even more stunning, with two horizontal lines of ash striping the bright white paste with slashes of black. And while this is an award for looks, Sofia is also sooo tasty! It is a goat’s milk cheese with the texture of a cheesecake and flavors that are tangy and sweet. Sofia is certainly ready for a closeup. 

Wow the Choscars were so exciting this year! Hollywood, it’s your turn…

For the love of cheese and awarding awards,

