The Cheese Shop of Salem

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Tariffs Round II

The specialty food and wine industry is facing the possible enforcement of new 100% tariffs on cheeses, wines, olives, olive oils, deli meats, pasta, and grocery items imported from the EU. If imposed, these tariffs would have a catastrophic impact on our shop, our customers, and businesses throughout the supply chain.

We have until January 13th to take action and prevent these tariffs from going into effect. Read on to learn more about the tariffs, or scroll straight to the bottom where we’ve outlined the simple steps you can take right now!


  • The tariffs stem from recent escalation in the longtime dispute between Boeing and Airbus over government aid. For years, the US has sought to end EU subsidies for French aircraft manufacturer Airbus, which it believes amount to unfair competition for Boeing. Beginning in October 2018, tariffs of 25% were applied to select cheeses, wines, meats, and grocery items from the EU. In December, the Trump Administration proposed additional duties of up to 100% for 2.4 billion in imports from the EU.

  • Small retailers like us would be hugely destabilized by 100% price increases on European products. Imported cheeses and wines comprise over 50% of our selection - if they double in cost, we may be unable to offer our customers the products they have come to love. We would likely face a significant decline in sales and profit; we would see our consumer base diminish; and we would be unable to retain our staff or serve our community. In short, these tariffs could put us out of business.

  • For US consumers like you, the enforcement of these tariffs and the damage to the specialty food industry represents yet another move away from consumer choice. The imposition of higher tariffs will disrupt existing markets, limit the products available in the marketplace, and have a disproportionate impact on lower and middle class consumers who will no longer be able to afford the European products that cost twice as much.


We have until January 13th to submit public comments to the office of the US Trade Representative opposing the tariff proposal. If you believe in consumer choice, please submit a comment. If you want to protect your access to European cheeses and wines, please submit a comment. If you want to see the survival of our shop and other specialty food businesses, please submit a comment.

We’ve made it easy for you! We’ve written a simple letter (see below), which you can either copy/paste into the comment field, or attach to the comment field as a PDF. Here are the steps to submit:

  1. Click here to head to the USTR comment page for Docket No. USTR-2019-0003-2518

  2. Click the blue ‘Comment Now!’ button in the upper-right corner of the page.

  3. Copy/paste the body of the below message into the comment field.

  4. Add a paragraph of your own, describing your perspective and your opposition to the tariffs. This part is important! Comments to the federal registrar have to be 30% unique content or else the processing software will lump them together and screen them out. Tell personal stories, discuss how this can impact jobs, local economy, your own shopping decisions, and your cities at a uniquely local level.

  5. Enter your name, and submit! No need to provide contact info.

Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer

U.S. Trade Representative

600 17thSt. NW Washington, DC 20508 


RE: Review of Action: Enforcement of U.S. WTO Rights in Large Civil Aircraft Dispute (Docket No. USTR-2019-0003-2518) 


Dear Ambassador Lighthizer,

Please do not allow the proposed tariffs on European goods to pass. The effects on the American specialty foods industry could be catastrophic and puts the livelihoods of many cheese and wine professionals at risk. The tariffs in question would dramatically increase the prices of imported European cheese and wine, causing direct and disproportionate economic harm to cheese and wine businesses throughout the US.

Specialty food and wine retailers operate on very thin margins, often with highly perishable products. They will have to raise their prices. Fewer consumers will be able to afford the products, and companies may go out of business.

Speaking as a consumer, I strongly oppose the additional tariffs on cheese, wine, pork, olives, olive oil, pasta, and grocery items. I value my local cheese shop: their personalized service, specially sourced products, and family values are the cornerstones of our community. Please protect them.

Thank you.