The Cheese Shop of Salem

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Lose the Booze, Keep the Cheese

After months of holiday fun with lots of eating and drinking, some brave souls choose to embark upon Dry January. I have never tried this, but our cheese buyer Brie did it a couple years ago and really liked it as a reset for the new year. So, for all of you who aren’t on the sauce right now, or ever for that matter, here are a few delightful non-alcoholic drink and cheese pairings. 

Hot tea – I obviously have to start with my favorite and most frequently mentioned beverage, hot tea. Oh steaming cup of joy, you complete me. Tea, like wine, has many variations – white, green, black – with a range of flavors – floral, earthy, fruity, vegetal, spicy, sweet, nutty. Thus, when pairing with cheese, you can go in many different directions. Hmm, a tea and cheese tasting, what a fun party that would be! Since black tea is my ride or die, I’m going to focus on that one now. Ok pairings pairings: the meaty, horseradishy Shelburne Clothbound Cheddar from Vermont, slightly sweet and savory Colten Basset Stilton from England, or smooth as George Clooney in Ocean’s 11 Mendia from France.

Cider (non-alcoholic, of course) – I love cider but I can’t drink it very often because it doesn’t agree with the ol’ belly, so I fantasize about it a lot. I imagine sipping an ice cold, thirst quenching glass of fresh tart, sweet, essence of apple wrapped in a cozy blanket or warmed by a fire. A gal can dream. Any cheese that goes well with apples will pretty much work with cider. Classic mushroomy Brie Fermier from France would be delicious. Or even better, make it a sandwich! Two slices of crusty bread, Dijon mustard on one side and butter on the other, Brie Fermier, French Ham, pickles, and boom, what a sandwich! With a crisp glass of cider to wash it all down, life is good.

Töst – If you haven’t tried Töst, it lives on the top shelf of our drink cooler and I highly recommend it. It is a sparkling drink made with cranberries, white tea, and ginger, so you taste sweetness from the fruit, and a touch of spice from the ginger, while the tannins from the white tea give the beverage body. Since it is all bubbly and fun, it makes an excellent celebratory drink, whether you’re celebrating an engagement, a promotion, finishing a book, or just having a night to yourself. Try this with Alpine cheeses like Gruyere 1655 or the super brown buttery Essex Comté. 

Blueberry Soda – Currently we have a blueberry soda from Maine Root which was my inspiration here because I really like it and I think it gets neglected in the winter months. Another fizzy drink, this one goes well with anything rich, so I want to pair it with the fudgy French cheese Tomme de Chevre Cendré. It is tangy and a little woodsy, so the blueberry adds sweetness while the bubbles clean out your mouth so you’re primed for the next bite of cheese. And you can pretend you’re at a French picnic or something, berries, goat cheese, a cold sparkly beverage, spread a blanket out on the floor if you’re feeling extra, the works. 

Happy Dry January, Happy 2020, Happy Pairings!

For the love of cheese and drinks,
